Principal's Message
Welcome to Kentwood Early Education Center. I am Dr. Ayanna E. Davis, principal for Kentwood EEC Koalas. I served over thousands children and families throughout my 22 years a
s an administrator and 26 years in the field of education. She is a mother of one son, Joshua, a graduate from Xavier University of Louisiana and the University of Southern California.
I began my career with the Los Angeles Unified School District as an elementary school teacher and became inspired to focus on early childhood development and education. During my earlier years as a early childhood educator, I developed a passion for observing socialization and emotional development skills as it relates to school readiness for preschool students, specifically,
those children who are living in low socio-economic environments.
While advancing in my career, I collaboratively designed curriculum-training modules for a cluster of LAUSD early education center’s teachers and early education aides. In addition, I was chosen for a Fellowship with UCLA as a Cognitive Guided Instruction Elementary and Early childhood Math Leader, past-president of the Organization of Early Education Center Administrators (OEECA), and Policy Chairperson with the California Early Care and Early Education Collaborative.
I hold a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Southern California (USC), Masters of Arts in Education Administration from California State University at Dominguez Hills; and Masters of Arts in Educational Administration Leadership and Policy Studies from California State University at Northridge. Finally, I earned a doctorate of Education focusing on Organizational Change and Leadership at University of Southern California Rossier School of Education.